Golden retriever The Kennel Venus Genetrix of Bryndafydd (Gaia), the foundation girl
Since a long time, I wish to renew this website. Everything is ready except for this page which I never get round to writing.
Now the time is coming. Gaia, my foundation girl, is going to the “Rainbow Bridge” and I strongly wish to remarke the need to be together forever.
Writing, when she is still here, close to me, has a strong, deep meaning.
Certainly, I have a huge pain that I don’t know how to calm even though others 14 sweety dogs are taking care of me but I’ve started breeding from her and for her, and to her I owe everything.
She has been so good to me, she has lernt me so much about her world. Above all, Gaia has been the first dog I’ve been living with.
F. Guccini, an italian song-singer-writer, in one of his song tells: “I didn’t know which face she would have had, nor the name she had”, and it has just been so with me.
When I was a child, I knew, that there would be a dog in my life, but I didn’t yet know what it would be like and what it would be called. Then, after many years she arrived.
I’ll never forget the first time I saw her: a little blond welsh puppy. Just there for Giovanni and me. She was ready to give herself and to receive our love. Easily she lernt everything we could teach her. What wonderful years! The memories about these 15 years spent together are running fast through my mind in the while I’m writing. It seems like yesterday I hugged her for the first time.
We started to go to shows just for her, we didn’t even know how to groom her tail!
In those days, in the ring, you would see very few golden retrievers . What a long way we have come. It fills me with joy and nostalgia to know that she has written a little piece of the history of her breed here in Italy.
When she was 9 months old, at a club show in Ovada, organized by the Italian Retriever Club, I was able to take a such a good photo of her that it appeared on the cover of the first Italian book on Golden Retrievers, written by L. Ginoulhiac. Only when she was 10 years old, I decided to prepare all her documents in order that she should become a brooder champion. I could have done it years earlier but it would have reminded me that she was getting older. Maybe, I wanted to stop time.
Only those who live with a dog in a symbiotic way, with the most positive meaning, can understand a world so different from ours but so complementary.
My only wish, for all you who are looking for a golden retriever is that you too will also be able to share your life with a dog.
With Gaia a dream was realized, a dream which had been in the air for a long time and it’s called Sogno Antico.